Monday, May 10, 2010


the new students are here.
well, they have already been here for a week actually.
it is weird.
i expect to see anna before i go to sleep every night. i don't see her.
i expect to hear kellen talking. i don't hear him.
i expect to eat dinner with my friends. i eat alone, sort of.
the list could go on and on.
it has definitely been hard to adapt.

the past two weeks have been full of repeats.
repeat first dinner of broccoli soup - possibly my least favorite food in the world.
repeat visit to the tower of london.
repeat mouse initiation.
repeat skype threats.
repeat nando's trips.
repeat visit to stonehenge. (note the number two)

repeat greeting for president phillips (don't be too jealous anna)
repeat kitchen crew.
repeat ben and jerry's party.
repeat planning charlotte's trip to london. (YAY)
repeat, repeat, repeat. that is how it has been.

BUT. some things have been better... and different.
1. stourhead with no scaffolding and fully bloomed flowers.

2. wilton house. my absolutely favorite house that we have visited. it was AMAZING!!!!!

3. the phantom of the opera.

4. royal festival hall concert

5. planning my scandinavian cruise with my mum

6. mother's day vs. mum's day.

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